Template:- SwedishDefence:MeterIndividual
The MeterIndividual template describes how to represent a ItemOfSupplyIndividual that represents an individual item of supply that represents a meter, that measures specific operational properties.
Template Properties

The following SysML Part, Reference, and Value properties are defined for this template:

belongsToIndividual [1] (Template: SwedishDefence:ItemIndividual)
Relationship to an individual item of supply that the meter individual belongs to.
ofType [0..1] (Template: SwedishDefence:PhysicalMeterElement)
Relationship to a physical meter element that the meter individual is realized.
itemDefinition [1] (Template: SwedishDefence:ItemDefinition)
Relationship to the item definition that was used when the meter individual was created or modified.
meterIndividualIdentifier [1] (Template: OASIS:Identification)
The Identifier of the meter individual.