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PLCSlib is published as a web document in the form of a collection of HTML pages. The build process to publish PLCSlib is managed by the Ant tool. The actual transformations from XML to HTML is performed using the SAXON tool. These tools and their required settings for use in PLCSlib are defined in the PLCSlib development tools page. Therefore, in order to publish PLCSlib a developer or publisher must have these tools installed and have a complete copy of PLCSlib repository. In order to simplify the process the build file has a limited number of targets that are described in the following section. To execute the build scripts execute ant <target> in the plcslib\utils folder.
NOTE    This has been developed and tested on the MS Windows operating system and works. Although it has not been tested on other systems it should work since the utilities used are all platform independent.


This creates or updates the published version of PLCSlib based on changes identified since the last publication. The published version of PLCSlib is created in the plcslib\build folder with this start page of index.html.


This executes the ant all target, then zip's the published PLCSlib environment into the file plcslib_<date>_<time>.zip created in the plcslib\build folder.


This deletes the plcslib\build folder and all content.

First cd to the


folder and run

ant mk-pub

This will create a publication folder:


Add the refrences to DEXs, Templates, Ref Data and model usage guides to be included in the publication package to:


Generate the ANT build file using ANT:

ant -f buildbuild.xml

Any errors that are displayed should be addressed.

NOTE    If this is a repeat attempt at building a publication package, run:

ant clean

Run ANT on the build.xml that has just been created using:

ant -q -emacs -DERRORCHECK=true -l errors.txt all


ant -q -emacs -DERRORCHECK=true -l errors.txt zip

if you wish to create a zip file as well as the HTML.

This will create a directory:


and (if the zip option is used) a ZIP file in:


NOTE    The plcslib/publications/SwedishDefence/plcslib-SwedishDefence-v<version>.<iteration>/build.xml file should not be committed.
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