DEX:- Exemplar:Consumption of Life DEX - Business Overviewindexpreviousnextside index

This DEX defines the information that may be fed back after usage of a Platform, System or Equipment (PSE) in-service, to enable the monitoring of the performance of the PSE and/or its support solution. It includes cumulative measures of usage, as well as activity specific usage reports, which will facilitate life-based decisions about continued use and maintenance support activities. It allows for different measurement types, not simply time based.

EXAMPLE    the number of starts and stops of equipments, the average voltages in a vehicle electrical system recorded from a Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) or number of rounds fired from a gun.

The business process for which the DEX provides information is summarized in the SysML activity diagram in Figure 3.

Figure 3 -  Typical business process using the Consumption of Life DEX
Issue reporting