DEX:- SwedishDefence:Physical Structure DEX - Business Information Modelindexpreviousnextside index

The Physical Structure DEX: Business overview section provided a high level overview of the business information that can be represented by this DEX. This section provides a more detailed overview of that information. A description of how to represent this information using ISO 10303-239 PLCS is provided in Physical Structure DEX: PLCS PSM Representation.

NOTE    The information shown in the SysML Block Definition diagram in Figure 3 is intended to illustrate the type of information that can be represented by the DEX. It does not imply that all exchanges must contain all this information.
NOTE    The information shown in the SysML Block Definition diagram in Figure 4 is intended to illustrate the Information needed to exchange Physical Maintenance Structure data this DEX.
Figure 3 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Physical Structure BoM
Figure 4 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Message Physical Maintenance Structure BoM
Figure 5 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Message Meter BoM
Figure 6 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Message Physical Design Structure BoM
Figure 7 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Message Kit Definition BoM

The section describes the different classes used for Exchange according to this DEX.


The AllowedValue template describes how to represent defined allowed values of an {operational property definition}, when the property values are non-numerical, e.g. colour (red, yellow, green).



discreteValue Specific discrete value that the Meter may display, e.g. fault code.
forPropertyDefinition Relationship to an operational property definition, that defines the property for which these values are allowed.
valueDescription Description of the discrete value.

Table 2 -AllowedValue


The ItemOfSupplyDefinition template describes how to represent an item definition that is a formal item of supply for Swedish Defence, i.e. it has an identifier owned by Swedish Defence.



hasProductConfiguration Indicates that an individual item of supply below this position may have variant product configurations.
itemOfSupplyId Identification of the item of supply stipulated by the Swedish defence materiel administration (FMV).
itemOfSupplyName Denomination for the item of supply stipulated by the Swedish defence materiel administration (FMV).
specialFeedbackRequired Requires special follow-up and the use of MonitoringTerms defined.
suppliersItem Relationship to the supplier's or manufacturer's part definition for the item of supply.

Table 3 -ItemOfSupplyDefinition


The MessageKitDefinition template describes how to represent a message concerning kit list structures.



dateMessageSent The date time when the message is sent.
messageId The identifier for the message.
messagePurpose The purpose of the message.
messageSentBy The organization that sends the message.
messageSentTo The organization that receives the message.
securityClassification The security classification for the message.
contents The physical structure contained within the message.

Table 4 -MessageKitDefinition


The MessageMeter template describes how to represent a message concerning physical meter elements.



dateMessageSent The date time when the message is sent.
messageId The identifier for the message.
messagePurpose The purpose of the message.
messageSentBy The organization that sends the message.
messageSentTo The organization that receives the message.
securityClassification The security classification for the message.
contents The physical meter elements contained within the message.

Table 5 -MessageMeter


The MessagePhysicalDesignStructure template describes how to represent a message concerning the composition of physical design structures.



dateMessageSent The date time when the message is sent.
messageId The identifier for the message.
messagePurpose The purpose of the message.
messageSentBy The organization that sends the message.
messageSentTo The organization that receives the message.
securityClassification The security classification for the message.
contents The designed physical structures contained within the message.

Table 6 -MessagePhysicalDesignStructure


The MessagePhysicalMaintenanceStructure template describes how to represent a message concerning physical maintenance structure.



dateMessageSent The date time when the message is sent.
messageId The identifier for the message.
messagePurpose The purpose of the message.
messageSentBy The organization that sends the message.
messageSentTo The organization that receives the message.
securityClassification The security classification for the message.
contents The maintenance physical structures contained within the message.

Table 7 -MessagePhysicalMaintenanceStructure


The OperationalPropertyDefinition template describes how to represent an operational property definition, that will be measured and given property values later on in the operative and maintenance phases.



allowedUnits A set of external units (OWL individuals) that may be used for the property value.
propertyName Reference to OWL individual that provides the definition of the property.

Table 8 -OperationalPropertyDefinition


The PartDefinition template describes how to represent an item that is a part.



hasProductConfiguration Indicates that an individual item of supply below this position may have variant product configurations.
referenceDesignatorCode TBD
suppliedBy Relationship to the external actor that is the supplier or manufacturer of the part.
suppliersPartId The supplier's or manufacturer's identifier for the part.
suppliersPartName The part name used by the supplier or manufacturer. Term 339.
suppliersPartVersionId Version identifier.

Table 9 -PartDefinition


The PhysicalBreakdown template describes how to represent a structural breakdown of the product describing the physical placement of each ItemDefinition. Note that this structure may concern a product, e.g. a vehicle, but also a contained ItemDefinition with its own structure, e.g. an engine.



breakdownOf Relationship to the Product configuration that this is a physical breakdown structure for.
physicalStructureCreationDate Date of creation of the physical structure.
physicalStructureId Identification of the physical structure.
physicalStructureName Name of the physical structure
physicalStructureStatus Indicates that the structure is planned, approved, or archived.
physicalStructureType Type of the physical structure: physical maintenance breakdown, physical design breakdown or kit list.
physicalStructureUpdateDate Date of modification of the physical structure.
physicalStructureVersionId Identification of the physical structure version

Table 10 -PhysicalBreakdown


Represents a position (or a "hole") in the physical structure. The position (structural element) may have an "applicability", i.e. a list of valid ItemOfSupplies that can be used at this position.)



breakdown Relationship to the physical structure that contains the physical structure element.
descriptiveDocument Relationship to documents that are related to the physical element.
hasProperties TBD
interfaceConnector Relationship to interface connectors that a physical element consists of.
LCNcode Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) Control Number. The LCN may represent either a functional or hardware generation breakdown/disassembly sequence of system/equipment hardware including support equipment, training equipment, and installation (connecting) hardware. Alternative identification of the physical element, unique within the physical structure.
mountingRule Physical structure element that is classified according mounting rules.
physicalElementId Identifies the physical element uniquely (within a physical structure).
physicalElementName Name of the physical meter element.
physicalElementVersionId Identifies a physical meter element version uniquely (within the physical element)

Table 11 -PhysicalElement


The template PhysicalElementStructure describes the relationship between a parent and child of the physical breakdown structure.



child Relationship to the child in the physical breakdown structure.
parent Relationship to the parent in the physical breakdown structure.
physicalElementQuantity Number of units for a particular item in next higher assembly.

Table 12 -PhysicalElementStructure


The PhysicalMeterElement template describes how to represent a physical structure element that represents a meter, that measures specific operational properties.



breakdown Relationship to the physical structure that contains the physical structure element.
LCNcode Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) Control Number. The LCN may represent either a functional or hardware generation breakdown/disassembly sequence of system/equipment hardware including support equipment, training equipment, and installation (connecting) hardware. Alternative identification of the physical element, unique within the physical structure.
mandatoryPhysicalElement Classification of the physical element as being mandatory in the structure, i.e. it has to be realized in order to use the product.
measures The properties measured by the Physical Meter Element.
physicalElementId Identifies the physical element uniquely (within a physical structure).
physicalElementName Name of the physical meter element.
physicalElementVersionId Identifies a physical meter element version uniquely (within the physical element)
discreteValues TBD
desiredValue TBD
isVirtual Classification of the meter as being a virtual meter (as opposed to a real, physical meter in the product).
meterCategory Classifies the meter by category, e.g. time counter, volume meter, distance meter.
meterReadingMethod Classifies the meter by how it is read, e.g. manually, periodically, by activity start.

Table 13 -PhysicalMeterElement


The ProductConfiguration template describes how to represent a specific product variant (configuration), that physically and functionally defines the product structure, even though the physical and functional elements may be realized by different, contained Items of Supply.



conceptId ID of the product concept, e.g. "39"
conceptName Name of the product concept, e.g. "Gripen Aircraft"
configuredItemDefinition Relationship to the item of supply or part definition for which the configuration is valid.
productConfigurationId Identification of the product configuration, eg "39E"
productConfigurationName Name of product configuration (free text), e.g. "Gripen Aircraft E"
productConfigurationVersionId Version of the product configuration, e.g. "5".

Table 14 -ProductConfiguration


The ValidElementRealization template describes how to represent the relationship between an element in a physical structure and items of supply or part definitions that may be validly fitted as the element in question. The validity may be time limited and other constraints on validity may be documented.



aggregatedMTBF AggregatedMTBF is used for simulation and planning. It indicates how often an ItemDefinition may break in the current location, regardless of fault mode (MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure).
item Relationship to the item definition that is realized.
physicalElement Relationship to the physical structure element that defines the location of the (mounted) item definition.
validElementRealizationId The identifier of the valid element realization.
validRealizationFromDate The data and time from which the element realization became valid.
validRealizationToDate The data and time until which the element realization was valid.

Table 15 -ValidElementRealization

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