DEX:- SwedishDefence:Task Method DEX - Business Information Modelindexpreviousnextside index

The Task Method DEX: Business overview section provided a high level overview of the business information that can be represented by this DEX. This section provides a more detailed overview of that information. A description of how to represent this information using ISO 10303-239 PLCS is provided in Task Method DEX: PLCS PSM Representation.

NOTE    The information shown in the SysML Block Definition diagram in Figure 3 is intended to illustrate the type of information that can be represented by the DEX. It does not imply that all exchanges must contain all this information.
NOTE    The information shown in the SysML Block Definition diagram in Figure 4 is intended to illustrate the Information needed to exchange Task Method data using this DEX.
Figure 3 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Task Method BoM
Figure 4 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Message Task Method BoM
Figure 5 -  Conceptual mapping of ASD s1000d publications, containing schedule information, to the Swedish Defence DEX library and the Task Method DEX

The section describes the different classes used for Exchange according to this DEX.


The Competence template describes how to represent a personell competence that is authorized by the armed forces, e.g. electrician, tank mechanics, etc.)



competenceDescription Description of specific competence.
competenceId Identification of specific competence.
competenceName Name of competence, e.g. mechanics armored vehicles, mechanics personal cars.

Table 2 -Competence


The CompetenceRequired template describes how to represent competence needed for a specific TaskMethod.



requiredCompetence Relationship to the competence that is required.
requiredNumberOfHours Indicates the number of man hours needed of a specific competence.
requiredNumberOfPersons Indicates the number of persons with a specific competence that is required.
taskMethod Relationship to the task method in which the competence is required.

Table 3 -CompetenceRequired


The FacilityDefinition template describes how to represent equipment, infrastructure or safety equipment required for maintenance activities. E.g. Clean room, heated garage, lifting device, engine test room.



facilityDescription The description for the maintenance facility.
facilityId A unique identifier for a type of maintenance facility.
facilityName The name for the maintenance facility.

Table 4 -FacilityDefinition


The FacilityRequired template describes how to represent facility needed for a specific TaskMethod.



maintenanceFacility Relationship to the facility definition (type) required.
requiredFacilityQuantity Quantity
taskMethod Relationship to the task method by which the facility is required.

Table 5 -FacilityRequired


The InformationElement template describes how to represent an element (part) of information within a publication, a part of the content.



infoCode The information code for the information element.
informationElementHeading Name of the information element.
informationElementId Identification of specific information element.
informationElementRevisionId Revision of the information element.

Table 6 -InformationElement


The InformationRequired template describes how to represent the InformationElement needed for a specific TaskMethod (both top methods and sub-activities), e.g. maintenance instruction.



informationSequenceNumber Indicates the ordering of information elements for display.
requiredInfoElement Relationship to the information element that is required by the task method.
roleOfInformation The role of the information with regards to the TaskMethod.
taskMethod Relationship to the task method that requires the information.

Table 7 -InformationRequired


The Interval template describes how to represent the recommended interval between two consecutive executions of a specific TaskMethod for the same ItemOfSupplyIndividual.



intervalDefinition Initialinternal or repeatinterval.
intervalValue The interval.
lowerLimit The lowest value of the interval. Use the intervalValue if unknown.
operatingMode The OperatingMode for which the interval is valid.
operationalProperty Reference to the operational property definition for the interval.
unit The external unit (OWL individual) used to measure the interval
upperLimit The maximum value of the initial interval. Use the intervalValue if unknown.

Table 8 -Interval


The ItemRequired template describes how to represent the need for a resource (an item of supply) in a task method. The item required may respresent a consumable resource or a resource that can be used several times such as a tool.



itemAlwaysRequired Indicates whether the item is always required.
itemIsConsumable Indicates whether the item is a consumable item.
itemRequired The definition of the required item.
requiredItemQuantity The quantity of the required item.
requiredItemQuantityUnit The external unit (OWL individual) used to measure the quantity of the required item.
taskMethod Relationship to the task method that requires the item.

Table 9 -ItemRequired


The MessageTaskMethod template describes how to represent a message concerning task methods.



dateMessageSent The date time when the message is sent.
messageId The identifier for the message.
messagePurpose The purpose of the message.
messageSentBy The organization that sends the message.
messageSentTo The organization that receives the message.
securityClassification The security classification for the message.
contents The task methods contained within the message.

Table 10 -MessageTaskMethod


Represents a position (or a "hole") in the physical structure. The position (structural element) may have an "applicability", i.e. a list of valid ItemOfSupplies that can be used at this position.



breakdown Relationship to the physical structure that contains the physical structure element.
LCNcode Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) Control Number. The LCN may represent either a functional or hardware generation breakdown/disassembly sequence of system/equipment hardware including support equipment, training equipment, and installation (connecting) hardware. Alternative identification of the physical element, unique within the physical structure.
physicalElementId Identifies the physical element uniquely (within a physical structure).
physicalElementName Name of the physical meter element.
physicalElementVersionId Identifies a physical meter element version uniquely (within the physical element)

Table 11 -PhysicalElement


The TaskMethod template describes how to represent a generic description of how to perform an activity (TaskInstance), including the estimated duration, competence requirements and needs for tools.



concernsPlacement The Physical Element for which the TaskMethod is valid.
interval Relationship to an interval that is recommended to the task method to be executed.
maintenanceCategory Classification of the task method according to the maintenance category of the task method, e.g. change, corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance.
maintenanceLevel Recommended maintenance level for the task method.
non-executionCausesUsageRestriction Relationship to a usage restriction definition that is recommended to be imposed on an item of supply individual if the task method is not executed according to its intervals and maintenance plan.
taskMethodCategory Classification of the task method according to category, e.g. replacement, mounting, dismounting, inspection, repair.
taskMethodDurationUnit The time units used to record the duration of the task method.
taskMethodId Identification of task method.
taskMethodInstruction The description of how to perform the work, if this is not specified using Template Information Required.
taskMethodLifecycleStatus Life cycle status of the task method.
taskMethodName Name of task method in free text.
taskMethodRequiredNumberOfPersons Indicates the number of persons required for the execution of the (a specific) task.
taskMethodRevisionId The revision or version of the task method.
taskMethodTimeDuration Estimated duration for the task method.

Table 12 -TaskMethod


The TaskMethodDependency template describes how to represent dependencies between different TaskMethods (action types). The dependency is categorized as e.g. excluding, performed simultaneously, including, conflicting (ie they can not be performed simultaneously), etc.



dependentTaskMethod The task method which depends on a task method.
dependingOnTaskMethod SE: beroendeFrån
taskMethodDependencyType The type of dependency between task methods.

Table 13 -TaskMethodDependency


The TaskMethodStructure template describes how to representa hierarchical breakdown structure of TaskMethods, in arbitrary levels.



childTaskMethod The child task method in a structure.
mandatoryTaskMethod An indicator of whether the task method is mandatory.
parentTaskMethod The parent task method in a structure.
taskMethodRepetitions Integer that indicates how many times the task method should be repeated.
taskMethodSequenceNumber Number that indicates the ordering of task methods within the task method structure.

Table 14 -TaskMethodStructure


The UsageRestrictionDefinition template describes how to represent a pre-defined restriction on product usage, such as "immobilisation", e.g. as a result of neglected maintenance tasks.



definedByOrganization Relationship to the organization that defines the usage restriction definition.
definedByPerson Relationship to the person that defines the usage restriction definition.
restrictionOnItem Relationship to the item of supply for which the usage restriction definition is defined.
revokableByAuthority Authority that may annul the restriction, e.g. inspector.
revokableByTaskMethod Classification of usage restriction definition indicating that it may be automatically revoked by the execution of a task method.
usageRestrictionDescription Description of the restriction.
usageRestrictionId Identification of the usage restriction definition.
usageRestrictionName The name of the restriction.

Table 15 -UsageRestrictionDefinition

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