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The following section describes how to set up a Context SysML index using MagicDraw 17.0 SP4.

Ensure the MagicDraw environment is set up for working on PLCSlib.

The MagicDraw Environment settings should be as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 -   MagicDraw Environment settings

The following stages should be followed in order to use MagicDraw to create a SysML index for the Context:

  1. Create Index Project
    • Launch MagicDraw 17 and select File -> New Project...
    • Select "SysML project" under Systems Engineering as the project type.
    • Set the name of the project to be index
    • Set the project location to plcslib\data\contexts\<<Context>>\dvlp\
    NOTE    MagicDraw defaults the file type to be .mdzip, we will have to change this in a later step.
  2. Create package for Context
    Add a new package for the Context you are to create.
    Under Containment tab right click on Data and select New Element -> Package.
    Name the package the same as the Context.

  3. Create package for Context's DEXs
    Add a new package for the DEXs in Context you are to create.
    Under Containment tab right click on Data\<<Context>> and select New Element -> Package.
    Name the package "DEXs".

  4. Create package for Context's Templates
    Add a new package for the templates in Context you are to create.
    Under Containment tab right click on Data\<<Context>> and select New Element -> Package.
    Name the package "Templates".

  5. Use PLCS PSM model
    "Use" the PLCS PSM by selecting File->Use Module, selecting "From file system" and browsing to plcslib\data\PLCS\psm_model\dvlp\plcs_psm_module.mdxml.
    Make sure that you set "Module Accessibility" as "Read-only".
    When you press finish you should be offered the opportunity to use Path variables.
    Select the path variable form and press "Use Selected".

  6. Use PLCS SysML profile
    Set the "index" to use the PLCS profile by selecting File->Use Module, selecting "From file system" and browsing to plcslib\data\contexts\dvlp\PLCS-profile.mdxml.
    Make sure that you set "Module Accessibility" as "Read-only".
    When you press finish you should be offered the opportunity to use Path variables.
    Select the path variable form and press "Use Selected".

  7. Use PLCS Style
    Set the "index" and all modules developed from this to use the PLCS style by selecting Options->Project, selecting "Symbols properties styles". Select "Import" browsing to plcslib\data\contexts\dvlp\OASIS PLCS style.stl.
    Select "Open".
    Select the "OASIS PLCS Style" and select "Make Default".
    Select "OK".

  8. Save the project
    Save the project to the require .mdxml format, as follows:
    • Select File -> Save Project As...
    • Select "MagicDraw File Format (.mdxml)" under Files or Type.
    • Click "Save".

  9. Delete the .mdzip file Once the index.mdxml file has been created, delete the index.mdzip as it is a duplicate and MagicDraw will automatically open the .mdzip file.
  10. Close the project.

Once the above has been completed the containment tab of MagicDraw should look as shown in Figure 2

NOTE    The "Exemplar" context is used as an example.
Figure 2 -  Structure of index.mdxml file
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