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Overall DEX development Process.

Figure 1 -  DEX Development Process
Send a request to the organization of person responsible for the intended context of the DEX. Investigate if the business needs are covered or partly covered by existing DEXs. Also, investigate if the business needs are supported by the model (c.f. the models capabilities). Initiate the DEX development, select editors, and reviewers. Specify how to use PLCS to support data exchange.
Composite Diagram
Develop DEX Specification
In the end of the development phase, the output DEX (Specifications, Templates and associated Reference Data) must be reviewed to make sure it fulfills its purpose and have the desired quality. OASIS review. General templates developed in the OASIS must be reviewed by the OASIS TC before the DEX may be published. PLCSlib is published as a web document in the form of a collection of HTML pages.
Related Documentation
Publishing PLCSlib
PLCSlib development tools

Specify how to use PLCS to support data exchange (appears in DEX Development Process).

Figure 2 -  Develop DEX Specification
Describe the scope, the business process, and the information requirements to provide a clear understanding of the context for the exchanges.
Composite Diagram
Describe Business and Information Scope
Define how to use PLCS to support data exchange using the business information model of the preceding activity as input.
Composite Diagram
Define DEX
Generate an XML Schema file limited to the sub-set of PLCS PSM blocks used by the DEX specification. Create a fully populated test data file for the DEX.

Describe the scope, the business process, and the information requirements to provide a clear understanding of the context for the exchanges (appears in Develop DEX Specification).

Figure 3 -  Describe Business and Information Scope
Describe the scope in order co clearly bound the exchange requirements. and related processes. Describe the business process to provide clear understanding of the context for the exchange(s). Create a business information model, defining the information requirements, using standard notations such as UML and SYSML. The model should be developed using terminology appropriate for the business context. Create a fully populated test data file for the DEX.

Define how to use PLCS to support data exchange using the business information model of the preceding activity as input (appears in Develop DEX Specification).

Figure 4 -  Define DEX
Setup a “container” for the DEX classes and vocabulary, if no appropriate context already exists. Define the mapping of the business objects to PLCS.
Composite Diagram
Develop Templates
Define how the semantics of the PSM are extended to support the DEX.
Related Documentation
Reference Data development
Protege specific development guidelines
Composite Diagram
Develop Reference Data
Create block diagrams to explain how the templates are used in the DEX.

Define the mapping of the business objects to PLCS (appears in Define DEX).

Figure 5 -  Develop Templates
Identify already existing templates from OASIS, and templates that have to be created. Prepare for the template in PLCSlib, create the SysML for it and document the template. Prepare for the template in PLCSlib, create the SysML for it and document the template.

Define how the semantics of the PSM are extended to support the DEX (appears in Define DEX).

Figure 6 -  Develop Reference Data
Create a context specific RD library if it doesn’t exist already.
Related Documentation
Reference Data development
Extend the core OASIS standard reference data concepts to cover these context specific concepts of the DEX being defined.
Related Documentation
Reference Data development
Composite Diagram
Develop Classes and Individuals
Add parallel RD files to support different languages where appropriate.
Related Documentation
Reference Data development
Add meta-data annotation to the library and classes e.g. revision information on the file and status on the classes and individuals.
Related Documentation
Reference Data development

Extend the core OASIS standard reference data concepts to cover these context specific concepts of the DEX being defined (appears in Develop Reference Data).

Figure 7 -  Develop Classes and Individuals
Define the information class by using the appropriate annotation for information classes.
Related Documentation
Reference Data development
Define the terminological entry class by using the appropriate annotation.
Related Documentation
Reference Data development
Issue reporting