DEX:- SwedishDefence:Item Individual DEX - Business Information Modelindexpreviousnextside index

The Item of Supply Individual: Business overview section provided a high level overview of the business information that can be represented by this DEX. This section provides a more detailed overview of that information. A description of how to represent this information using ISO 10303-239 PLCS is provided in Item of Supply Individual: PLCS PSM Representation.

NOTE    The information shown in the SysML Block Definition diagram in Figure 3 is intended to illustrate the type of information that can be represented by the DEX. It does not imply that all exchanges must contain all this information.
NOTE    The information shown in the SysML Block Definition diagram in Figure 4 is intended to illustrate the Information needed to exchange Item Of Supply Individual data using this DEX.
Figure 3 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Item Of Supply Individual BoM
Figure 4 -  SysML Block Definition diagram representing the Message Item Individual BoM

The section describes the different classes used for Exchange according to this DEX.


The ExternalActor template describes how to represent a third-party organization.



cageCode Commercial and Government Entity Code, the NATO correspondence to Swedish Company Letter-codes. Cage codes should be used from 2008. CAGE-kod motsvarande NMCRL:s NCAGE-kod, utvisande leverantörskod, använt i NATO-CD NMCRL för kodifiering av leverantörer och referenser till materieldata lagrade för dessa leverantörer. Termbet. CAGEKOD, Termnr. 713.
companyCode Identification owned by the Swedish Defence for an organization that has delivered drawings or parts to the Swedish Defence. Referens till vilket ritningsnummersystem (vilken FBKOD) som aktuell firmas förnödenhetsdata skall registreras under. Omfattar pos 1-5 i Referensbeteckningsfältet (= Ursprungsbeteckning, Alternativ beteckning). Termbet. FBKOD, Termnr. 700
organizationName The name of the delivering organization. Oförkortat namn på aktuell firma. Termbet. FANAMN, Termnr. 709.
organizationNumber The identifying number for the delivering organization.

Table 2 -ExternalActor


The IndividualCertificate template describes how to represent a specific certificate that an ItemIndividual holds.



certifiedItem Relationship to the item of supply individual that has been certified
individualCertificateEndDate End date of certification.
individualCertificateId The Identifier of the certification.
individualCertificateName Name of certification.
individualCertificateStartDate Start date of certification.

Table 3 -IndividualCertificate


The InstalledSoftware template describes installation of specific {software} in a specific {item of supply individual].



installationDate Date of installation.
installedIn Relationship to the item of supply individual in which the software is installed
software Relationship to the software installed

Table 4 -InstalledSoftware


The ItemOfSupplyDefinition template describes how to represent an item definition that is a formal item of supply for the Swedish Defence, i.e. it has an identifier owned by the Swedish Defence.



itemOfSupplyId Identification of the item of supply stipulated by the Swedish defence materiel administration (FMV).
itemOfSupplyName Denomination for the item of supply stipulated by the Swedish defence materiel administration (FMV).
suppliersItem Relationship to the supplier's or manufacturer's part definition for the item of supply.

Table 5 -ItemOfSupplyDefinition


The ItemIndividual template describes how to represent a specific individual supply item, that is affected by maintenance tasks etc. An ItemIndividual can be both the top supply item, or a contained component that is managed individually. ItemIndividual is identified by e.g. serial number or registration number (for vehicles), etc.



batchNumber Product as individual identification code that identifies a product as individual as part of a batch, or lot.
functionalLevel Functional level for the item of supply individual.
individualFollowsConfiguration Relationship to the product configuration that governs the individual.
individualOfType Relationship to the item definition that was used when the item of supply individual was created or modified.
itemOfSupplyIndState State of the item of supply individual.
serialNumber Product as individual identification code that identifies a product as individual in a local scope, e.g. within a company or in a battalion.

Table 6 -ItemIndividual


The MessageItemIndividual template describes how to represent a message concerning individual items of supply.



dateMessageSent The date time when the message is sent.
messageId The identifier for the message.
messagePurpose The purpose of the message.
messageSentBy The organization that sends the message.
messageSentTo The organization that receives the message.
securityClassification The security classification for the message.
contents The individual item of supplies contained within the message.

Table 7 -MessageItemIndividual


The Mounting template describes how to represent the installation or mounting of an ItemDefinition in an ItemIndividual. Note that the mounted ItemDefinition may be an individual or a type.



dismountingDate Date of dismounting
inferiorIndividual Relationship to the item of supply individual that is being mounted.
inferiorItem Relationship to the item definition that is being mounted.
mountedAs Relationship to the physical structure element that represents the inferior individual or inferior item
mountingDate Date of mounting
superiorIndividual Relationship to the item of supply individual in which the item of supply individual or item definition has been mounted

Table 8 -Mounting


The PartDefinition template describes how to represent an item that is a part.



referenceDesignatorCode undefined
suppliedBy Relationship to the external actor that is the supplier or manufacturer of the part.
suppliersPartId The supplier's or manufacturer's identifier for the part.
suppliersPartName The part name used by the supplier or manufacturer. Term 339.
suppliersPartVersionId Version identifier.

Table 9 -PartDefinition


The PhysicalBreakdown template describes how to represent a structural breakdown of the product describing the physical placement of each ItemDefinition.

NOTE    This structure may concern a product, e.g. a vehicle, but also a contained ItemDefinition with its own structure, e.g. an engine.



breakdownOf Relationship to the Product configuration that this is a physical breakdown structure for.
physicalStructureCreationDate Date of creation of the physical structure.
physicalStructureId Identification of the physical structure.
physicalStructureName Name of the physical structure.
physicalStructureStatus Indicates that the structure is planned, approved, or archived.
physicalStructureType Type of the physical structure: physical maintenance breakdown, physical design breakdown or kit list.
physicalStructureUpdateDate Date of modification of the physical structure.
physicalStructureVersionId Identification of the physical structure version

Table 10 -PhysicalBreakdown


Represents a position (or a "hole") in the physical structure. The position (structural element) may have an "applicability", i.e. a list of valid ItemOfSupplies that can be used at this position.)



breakdown Relationship to the physical structure that contains the physical structure element.
mountingRule Physical structure element that is classified according mounting rules.
physicalElementId Identifies the physical element uniquely (within a physical structure).
physicalElementName Name of the physical meter element.
physicalElementVersionId Identifies a physical meter element version uniquely (within the physical element)

Table 11 -PhysicalElement


The ProductConfiguration template describes how to represent a specific product variant (configuration), that physically and functionally defines the product structure, even though the physical and functional elements may be realized by different, contained Items of Supply.



conceptId ID of the product concept, e.g. "39"
conceptName Name of the product concept, e.g. "Gripen Aircraft"
productConfigurationId Identification of the product configuration, eg "39E"
productConfigurationName Name of product configuration (free text), e.g. "Gripen Aircraft E"
productConfigurationVersionId Version of the product configuration, e.g. "5".

Table 12 -ProductConfiguration


The Software template describes how to represent an approved software (or software version) that may be installed in an item of supply individual (partly based on the ISO-IEC 19770-2 Software Identification Tags standard).



itemOfSupply Corresponding ItemOfSupply.
licensingOrg Relationship to the external actor that represents the organization that is licensing the use of the software.
requiredSoftware Software that is required to work properly.
softwareColloquialVersion The informal or colloquial version of the product (i.e. 2013). Note that this version may be the same through multiple releases of a software product where the version specified in SoftwareEntity is much more specific and will change for each software release.
softwareDescription A longer, detailed description of the software.
softwareEdition The variation of the product (Extended, Enterprise, Professional, Standard etc).
softwareId A unique identifier of the software.
softwareName The base name of the product (e.g. Office).
softwareProductFamily The overall product family this software belongs to. Product family is not used to identify that a product is part of a suite, but is instead used when a set of products that are all related may be installed on multiple different devices. For example, an Enterprise backup system may consist of a backup server, multiple different backup systems that support mail servers, databases and ERP systems as well as individual software items that backup client devices. In this case all software titles that are part of the backup system would have the same productFamily name so they can be grouped together in reporting systems.
softwareRevision The informal or colloquial representation of the sub-version of the given product (i.e., SP1, R2, RC1, Beta 2, etc). Note that the SoftwareIdentity.version will provide very exact version details.
softwareVersionId Underlying development version for the software.

Table 13 -Software





warrantedIndividual The individual that the Warranty Definition is effective for.
warranty The actual warranty that follows the individual.
warrantyStart The date when the warrantyStartEvent in the warranty took place for the warrentedIndividual or if warrantyStartEvent is not specified then the agreed date of commencement.

Table 14 -WarrantedItem





extendedWarranty A relationsship to a warranty that this warranty extends (if applicable).
warrantyDocument References to documents that support the Warrant Definition. For example the Warranty itself.
warrantyHeading Name of the Warranty.
warrantyIdentification Identification of the Warranty.
warrantyItemOfSupplyDefinition Reference to an Item Of Supply that is subject to Warranty.
warrantingOrganization The organization that has issued the warranty.
warrantyPart Reference to a part that is subject to Warranty.
warrantyPropertyLimit The limit of the warranty if operational property based (e.g.operating hours).
warrantyStartEvent The event that causes the warranty to become effective.
warrantyTimeLimit The warranty time.
warrantyTimeLimitUnit The unit of the time limit (month, or year).

Table 15 -WarrantyDefinition

Issue reporting