Template: SwedishDefence:ValidElementRealization

This section specifies the template ValidElementRealization.

The specification comprises a SysML Block that represents the template and an associated Parametric Diagram that defines the templates and PLCS PSMTemplate objects instantiated by the ValidElementRealization template.

The specification comprises the following sections:

NOTE    An explanation of a template and its specification is provided in the Template overview
The ValidElementRealization template describes how to represent the relationship between an element in a physical structure and items of supply or part definitions that may be validly fitted as the element in question. The validity may be time limited and other constraints on validity may be documented.

No templates have been explicitly defined as being related to the ValidElementRealization template.

NOTE    The ValidElementRealization template may make reference to other templates as part of the Parametric Diagram. These are not listed here.

Figure 1 shows the SysML Block that represents the template. The Block is an abstraction representing a pattern of templates and PLCS PSMTemplate objects.

The properties, i.e. the SysML Block Part, Reference and Value properties, of the template's SysML Block are described in the Template Properties section.

The output ports shown on the template's SysML Block are described in the template output ports section.

The SysML Parametric diagrams for the template Block are shown in template parametric diagram section.

Figure 1 -  Template block definition diagram for ValidElementRealization

The following SysML Part, Reference, and Value properties are defined for this template:

item [1] (Template: SwedishDefence:ItemDefinition)
Relationship to the item definition that is realized.
physicalElement [1] (Template: SwedishDefence:PhysicalElement)
Relationship to the physical structure element that defines the location of the (mounted) item definition.
dispensationDocument [0..1] (Template: SwedishDefence:Document)
Relationship to a dispensation document for the valid element realization.
operatingMode [0..1] (Template: SwedishDefence:OperatingMode)
Relationship to an operating mode for the valid element realization.
validElementRealizationId [1] (Template: OASIS:Identification)
The identifier of the valid element realization.
The reference data used in Template: OASIS:Identification is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
validElementRealizationId constraint
The reference data for:
OASIS:Identification.role -> ExternalOwlClass.class
is restricted to the following class or a subclass:
standardItem [1] (ValueType: ExternalOwlClass)
The characterization of the valid element realization as standard or non-standard.
dispensationDescription [0..1] (Template: OASIS:Descriptor)
A dispensation description of the valid element realization.
setpointValue [0..*] (Template: SwedishDefence:PropertyValue)
The desired (expected) values of the Operational Properties that shall be followed-up for a Physical Element (pos), given Operating Mode.
The reference data used in Template: SwedishDefence:PropertyValue is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
setpointValue constraint
The reference data for:
OASIS:PropertyValueNumeric.property -> ExternalOwlObject.individual
is restricted to the following individual:
aggregatedMTBF [0..1] (Template: SwedishDefence:PropertyValue)
An indication of how often an ItemDefinition may break in the current location, regardless of fault mode, that is used for simulation and planning. (MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure).
The reference data used in Template: SwedishDefence:PropertyValue is restricted as follows:
RDL constraint 1:
aggregatedMTBF constraint
The reference data for:
OASIS:PropertyValueNumeric.property -> ExternalOwlObject.individual
is restricted to the following individual:
longevityAsCalculated [0..*] (Template: SwedishDefence:PropertyValue)
Life expectancy of the item definition for a certain operating mode (as compared to longevityAsCalculated on Item Definition).
validRealizationToDate [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:DateTimeString)
The data and time until which the element realization was valid.

The following constraint, normally a uniqueness constraint, is applicable when instantiating the DateTimeString:

Specification: (OCL2.0)
validRealizationFromDate [1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:DateTimeString)
The data and time from which the element realization became valid.

The following constraint, normally a uniqueness constraint, is applicable when instantiating the DateTimeString:

Specification: (OCL2.0)

The following output ports are defined for this template:

PSMbreakdownElementRelaization (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:BreakdownElementRealization)
Enables the Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:BreakdownElementRealization instantiated by this template to be referenced when the template is used.
OASISbreakdownElementRealization (Template: OASIS:BreakdownElementRealization)
Enables the Template: OASIS:BreakdownElementRealization instantiated by this template to be referenced when the template is used.

There are no constraints defined for this template.

This section describes the template's Parametric Diagram. The diagram details the pattern of templates and PLCS PSMTemplate objects that are required to represent the template ValidElementRealization.

The public properties, i.e. those visible in the template's SysML block (See Figure 1) are shown on the left of a Parametric Diagram.

NOTE    Restrictions on the reference data to be set on the public properties is defined in the Template Properties section.

The output ports are shown on the right of a Parametric Diagram.

PLCS PSM objects are shaded khaki and Templates are shaded light green in a Parametric Diagram.

Figure 2 -  ValidElementRealization

The following blocks are instantiated by this template and bound to private parts of the template as shown in the Parametric Diagram section:

Private Part Property:ValidElementRealization [1] (Template: OASIS:BreakdownElementRealization)
Private Part Property:standardItemClass [1] (Template: OASIS:Classifier)
Private Part Property:documentAsg [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:DocumentAssignment)
Private Part Property:partOrResourecItem [1] ( Constraint Block: SwedishDefence:ValidElementRealization:PartOrResourceItem)
Private Reference Property:classDispensationDocument [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ExternalOwlClass)

The following constraint, normally a uniqueness constraint, is applicable when instantiating the ExternalOwlClass:

Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Private Part Property:dispensationDocumentClass [0..1] (Template: OASIS:Classifier)
Private Part Property:operatingModeAsg [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:StateDefinitionAssignment)
Private Part Property:spAsgn [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:PropertyValueAssignment)
Private Part Property:breEleRea [1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:BreakdownElementRealization)
Private Part Property:spClsfn [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:Classification)
Private Reference Property:classSetPointAssignment [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ExternalOwlClass)

The following constraint, normally a uniqueness constraint, is applicable when instantiating the ExternalOwlClass:

Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Private Reference Property:classAggregatedMeanTimeBetweenFailures [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ExternalOwlClass)

The following constraint, normally a uniqueness constraint, is applicable when instantiating the ExternalOwlClass:

Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Private Part Property:aggregatedMTBFAsgn [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:PropertyValueAssignment)
Private Part Property:MTBFClsfn [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:Classification)
Private Part Property:longevityAsCalculatedAsgn [0..*] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:PropertyValueAssignment)
Private Reference Property:classLongevityAsCalculated [0..1] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:ExternalOwlClass)

The following constraint, normally a uniqueness constraint, is applicable when instantiating the ExternalOwlClass:

Constraint: ur1
Specification: (OCL2.0)
Private Part Property:longevityAsCalculatedClsfn [0..*] (Block: Ap239Ap233Psm:Classification)

There are no instances that have been instantiated in this template.

Figure 3 shows the constraint blocks that have been created in the template.

Constraint Blocks are typically used to combine blocks into a collection that can then be bound to a property. For example, combining a set of identifications that can then be bound to property of type Identification.

Constraints diagram
Figure 3 -  Constraint block diagram for ValidElementRealization

The following constraint blocks have been created:

Constraint: PartOrResourceItem
Specification: (OCL2.0)
partOrResourceItem = if not part.oclIsUndefined() then part else resourceItem endif

No example data sets have been provided for this Template.

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